Identifying, Nurturing, and Celebrating Exceptional Talent
Identify. Nurture. Celebrate! These words encapsulate how Northwestern University’s Midwest Academic Talent Search (NUMATS) helps families and educators of high ability students recognize and develop their exceptional talents.
CTD's focus is on identifying and nurturing students' strengths, but we also want to recognize students when they work hard, take on challenges, and achieve. Recognition comes in the form of certificates, public acknowledgement of accomplishments, and scholarships to participate in advanced programming at CTD.
But the awards are only one small component of NUMATS. What about the other components? Identify: The process starts with accurate assessment of students’ achievement through NUMATS’ above-grade-level testing. Grade-level tests, including state exams and popular computer-adaptive tests typically used in schools, can’t measure the full extent of high-achieving students’ knowledge, so NUMATS uses a different approach. For almost 40 years, NUMATS has utilized the PSAT 8/9, ACT® and SAT® tests to remove the “ceiling effect” of grade-level tests. Students in grades 3 through 6 have taken the PSAT 8/9 test, typically administered in grade 8 for high school placement. Students in grades 7 though 9 take the ACT or SAT – the same tests given to high school students preparing for college entrance. Nurture: Using the test data, the next step is to provide guidance and learning opportunities. A wealth of resources is available through an individualized NUMATS Toolbox. Families receive
- Scores and interpretive resources that help them understand and use the data;
- A statistical summary to identify how their children are achieving compared to other bright students across the Midwest;
- Personalized recommendations for planning course sequences through high school;
- An educational programs guide, providing information on summer, online, and weekend opportunities throughout the U.S.;
- Articles, webinars and other parenting resources.
And, as a program of Center for Talent Development (CTD), NUMATS connects families to a premier talent development center offering programs and services that help exceptional students discover their unique voice, explore opportunities, cultivate a love of learning and become bold, creative achievers. Participating in consecutive years provides a record of academic growth, enabling educators and families to work as a team to help students thrive.
If you want to become a member of the NUMATS community, or know a student who could benefit, contact NUMATS today. Visit, call 847/491-3782, or email