Lorem Ipsum
CTD helps schools understand and use data to inform instruction, measure growth for advanced learners, and plan for programming.
Learn more about assessment options
Practical, timely topics to help teachers and administrators effectively identify and meet the needs of gifted students.
Re-imagine your gifted education services using our talent development framework
Bring CTD’s curriculum, programming, and professional development to your classroom!
At Center for Talent Development (CTD), we believe the best educators don’t just teach; they inspire young people to think big, take risks and believe in themselves.
Understanding a student’s academic potential and current level of achievement is an important step in choosing the best course.
If you have selected a program and course, start your application.
Invest in a conversation with an expert from CTD about understanding your child's abilities and planning for talent development.
Talent development is a journey that involves developing potential into achievement. Learn more about your child's academic potential, learning level, and need for advanced programming, including acceleration.
CTD provides resources for parents to nurture their child's talent at home and outside the classroom.
CTD offers periodic workshops and webinars for parents and families
Enrichment and credit-bearing, accelerated programs designed for students at every age and stage of talent development.
A guide to understanding abilities, finding strengths, and charting a talent development pathway
Need-based financial aid is available to qualified students for most CTD programs and assessments.
CTD has several scholarship options and collaborates with the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.
Before enrolling, please review our withdrawal and refund policies.
If you have a question or need assistance, please contact us. You may submit the form below or email us anytime at If you are completing this form, please do not send duplicate requests to other CTD emails. Thank you!
For program-specific contact information, see Contact Information by Program to the right.
Center for Talent Development
617 Dartmouth Place
Evanston, IL 60208
p: 847/491-3782
p: 847/467-1575
Grade-Level Assessment (MAP, CogAT, KTEA); Above-Grade-Level Assessment (Formally known as NUMATS)
p: 847/491-3782
p: 847/491-7127
p: 847/491-8257
Online Family Program (K-3), Online Enrichment and Online Core Essentials (Grades 3-8); Online Honors (Grades 6-12) and AP® (Grades 9-12)
p: 847/467-1536
Leadership Intensive Online (Grades 7-10)
p: 847/467-1536
Academic Day Camps at Chicago Area Sites (PreK - Grade 6)
p: 847/491-7676
Academic Day and Residential Camps at Northwestern University (Grades 6-12)
p: 847/491-8257
p: 847/491-7676
p: 847/491-3782