Student Performance Evaluation Items by Category
Category 1: Engagement with Course Content
Intermittently demonstrated engagement with the course content and activities |
Often demonstrated engagement with the course content and activities |
Consistently demonstrated engagement with the course content and activities |
Sometimes demonstrated a sense of value about the learning content and process |
Often demonstrated a sense of value about the learning content and process |
Consistently demonstrated a sense of value about the learning process |
Showed comfort engaging with previously encountered material, but did not extend class content to other concepts or content |
With some encouragement, extended class content to other concepts and content |
Consistently extended class content to other concepts and content |
Understood some core concepts of the class but did not make connections across subjects or with other concepts |
Made connections between course content and other subjects and concepts |
Frequently brought new ideas and connections from other subjects to course material |
Struggled to use knowledge from course content to support interpretations and conclusions |
Often used knowledge from course content to support interpretations and conclusions |
Consistently used knowledge from course content to support interpretations and conclusions |
Seldom contributed to class discussion |
Regularly contributed to class discussions |
Frequently contributed to class discussions |
Struggled to present ideas thoughtfully |
Often presented ideas clearly, thoughtfully, and articulately |
Consistently presented ideas clearly, thoughtfully, and articulately and worked to improve communication efficacy |
Needed support to participate productively in group learning activities |
Regularly participated productively in group learning activities |
Consistently took initiative to participate productively in group learning activities |
Category 2: Demonstration of Learning Behaviors
Emerging |
Demonstrating |
Excelling |
Occasionally used higher order thinking strategies, such as analysis and critique, in working with class content |
Often used higher order thinking strategies, such as analysis and critique, in working with class content |
Consistently used higher order thinking strategies, such as analysis and critique, in working with class content |
At times demonstrated problem-solving skills |
Often demonstrated problem-solving skills |
Consistently demonstrated problem-solving skills |
Had difficulty persisting with challenging problems or tasks |
Often persisted through challenging problems or tasks |
Demonstrated a high level of persistence through challenging problems or tasks |
Did not address challenges directly |
Showed skill in addressing challenges and suggested solutions in problem solving |
Addressed challenges directly and articulated clear next steps in problem solving |
After identifying a wrong answer or miscalculation, unable or unwilling to proceed or ask for help to clarify the problem
Sometimes identified a wrong answer or miscalculation as an actionable opportunity to learn or ask for help to clarify the problem |
Consistently identified a wrong answer or miscalculation as an actionable opportunity to learn or ask for help to clarify the problem |
Had difficulty sustaining effort when presented with challenging material or tasks |
Often demonstrated effort when faced with challenging material or tasks |
Consistently demonstrated sustained effort when faced with challenging material or tasks |
Needed help to distinguish sources as reputable or evidence-based versus unsubstantiated when completing research |
Cited some sources that were reputable and evidence-based and some from unsubstantiated sources |
Identified reputable, academic sources and used those in research to present sound, evidence-based ideas |
Had difficulty separating ideas of experts from their own interpretations and needed assistance generating original ideas |
Analyzed and applied ideas from academic authors and experts, generating some original conclusions from those ideas |
Demonstrated a high level of persistence through challenging problems or tasks
Demonstrated minimal interaction with class technologies or digital tools |
Regularly used class technologies or digital tools beyond required use |
Demonstrated initiative to explore class technologies or discover new features of digital tools |
At times was unable to make progress with independent work |
Was often able to make progress with independent work |
Was consistently able to make progress with independent work |
Often failed to pay attention to details |
Usually paid attention to details |
Consistently paid attention to details |
Category 3: Understanding and Application of Course Concepts
Emerging |
Demonstrating |
Excelling |
Showed basic understanding of class content and concepts but did not apply analytical thinking skills |
Regularly showed understanding of class content and concepts, and typically applied analytical thinking skills |
Consistently showed understanding of class content and concepts, and applied analytical thinking skills in most or all cases |
Demonstrated little growth in understanding of core course concepts over the duration of the course |
Demonstrated expected growth in understanding of core course concepts over the duration of the course |
Demonstrated exceptional growth in understanding of core course concepts over the duration of the course |
Identified relationships between course concepts only with instructor prompting |
Identified relationships between class concepts with limited instructor support |
Demonstrated exceptional growth in understanding of core course concepts over the duration of the course
Often relied on personal opinions and judgments and showed little application of course content when stating ideas |
Incorporated knowledge from course content to support interpretations and conclusions rather than stating opinions or judgments |
Appreciated, sought out and synthesized multiple content perspectives before stating and providing reasoning for an alternative position |
Applied learning to class activities, assignments and projects only with instructor support |
Applied learning to class activities, assignments and projects with limited instructor support |
Applied learning to class activities, assignments and projects with little or no instructor support |
Extended content understanding to new applications not discussed in class only with instructor support |
Extended content understanding to new applications not discussed in class with limited instructor support |
Extended content understanding to new applications not discussed in class with little or no instructor support |
Made little use of visual and mathematical representations such as graphs, maps, models and equations to explain topic, idea or content |
Made some use of visual and mathematical representations such as graphs, maps, models and equations to explain topic, idea or content |
Readily used visual and mathematical representations, such as graphs, maps, models, and equations, to explain topic, idea or content |
Made little use of different literary media, such as digital stories, online magazines, websites, or traditional written texts to explain topic, idea or content
Made some use of different literary media, such as digital stories, online magazines, websites, or traditional written texts to explain topic, idea or content
Readily used different literary media, such as digital stories, online magazines, websites, or traditional written texts to explain topic, idea or content
Rarely revised work and struggled to incorporate instructor feedback |
Often revised work and incorporated instructor feedback |
Consistently revised and reflected on work and incorporated instructor feedback |
Inconsistently articulated evidence and reasoning for ideas and answers |
Usually articulated evidence and reasoning for ideas and answers using course content |
Consistently articulated evidence and reasoning for ideas and answers using course content |
Required support/guidance to complete projects with multiple components |
Managed class projects with multiple components with some occasional support |
Independently managed class projects with multiple components and completed tasks on time |
Class presentations were unclear, incomplete, or not submitted |
Class presentations were generally clear, complete and well presented |
Class presentations were complete, well prepared and well presented |
Category 4: Behavior Management
Emerging |
Demonstrating |
Excelling |
Frequently needed reminders and prompting to follow class rules in a positive way
Needed few reminders or prompting to follow class rules in a positive way
Rarely, if ever, needed reminders or prompting to follow class rules in a positive way. |
Was challenged to uphold group norms and participate productively in the class community |
Upheld group norms and participated productively in the class community |
Upheld group norms and empowered group members’ learning to create a positive community |
Infrequently adjusted behavior when requested by instructor
Often adjusted behavior when requested by instructor
Adjusted behavior when requested by instructor and maintained behavior adjustments |
Adapted behavior for different situations, such as discussion or small group only with support from instructor |
Generally adapted behavior for different situations such as discussion or small group work without support from instructor |
Consistently and effectively adapted behavior for different situations, such as discussion or small group work |
Frequently had difficulty managing emotions in class |
Demonstrated the ability to regulate emotions in class |
Consistently and effectively managed emotions in class |
Challenged by transitions from one kind of class activity to another |
Generally transitioned smoothly from one kind of class activity to another |
Consistently transitioned smoothly from one kind of class activity to another |
Needed frequent prompts about pacing and struggled to complete the course work |
Completed course work with minimal prompts |
Consistently stayed on or ahead of suggested pacing without prompting |
Struggled to manage course pacing and deadlines |
Showed skill in managing course pacing and deadlines |
Successfully managed course pacing and deadlines and took advantage of extension opportunities to further learning |
Rarely responded to instructor communications |
Often responded to instructor communications |
Consistently responded to instructor communications |
Didn’t initiate communication with instructor |
Occasionally initiated communication with instructor |
Frequently initiated communication with instructor |
Participated sporadically or failed to follow the course as designed |
Sometimes followed the course and sometimes submitted work on time |
Followed the course as designed and submitted work in a consistent fashion |
Category 5: Peer Collaboration
Emerging |
Demonstrating |
Excelling |
Did not share feedback with peers |
Offered limited feedback to peers |
Contributed constructively and generously to peer review |
Resisted or disregarded peer feedback on classwork and projects |
Open to peer feedback on classwork and projects and sometimes considered making changes to projects based on that feedback |
Actively listened to peer feedback on classwork and projects, and willingly considered making changes to projects based on that feedback |
Infrequently responded to peers in group discussions |
Regularly responded to peers in group discussions |
Actively and thoughtfully responded to peers in group discussions |
Seldom remained engaged and unable to work cooperatively in small groups |
Was generally engaged and worked cooperatively in small groups, with some reminders |
Was consistently engaged and worked cooperatively in small groups |
Struggled to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of others’ perspectives |
Generally demonstrated understanding and appreciation of others’ perspectives |
Consistently demonstrated understanding and appreciation of others’ perspectives |
Seldom able to manage disagreements with others or to keep others’ feelings in mind |
Typically managed disagreements with others and to keep others’ feelings in mind |
Consistently demonstrated skill in managing disagreements and keeping others’ feelings in mind |
Did not attempt to work with students of diverse viewpoints and backgrounds |
Worked well with students of diverse viewpoints and backgrounds |
Sought out strengths in individuals and actively reached out to students of diverse viewpoints and backgrounds |
Struggled to cite and recognize peers’ contributions to discussions and projects, and acknowledge their ideas |
Generally cited and recognized peers’ contributions to discussions and projects, and acknowledged their ideas |
Consistently cited and recognized peers’ contributions to discussions and projects, and acknowledged their ideas |
Required assistance to demonstrate leadership capacity within the group |
Showed awareness of personal leadership capacity and impact within group |
Showed awareness of personal leadership strengths and style, and impact within group |
At times worked to support other group members |
Contributed to group processes in ways that supported other group members |
Contributed in ways that supported group members and moved the group forward in their learning. |