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Make A Difference

Civic Education Project

Connecting Learning to Life

As part of all CEP's leadership and service-learning courses, students identify concrete ways to make a difference in their communities, through research and reflection on a topic of interest that inspires them to create change. Learn more about ways CEP students are working to step into leadership and make the world a better place.

Action Plan Topic: Address food deserts and support access to locally grown produce

"The presence of food deserts contributes to significant health problems. Implementing community gardens and providing education on healthy dietary habits can connect communities and improve well-being." - Jay S., Georgia

Action Plan Topic: Lobby local officials to support increased access to technology for community organizations

"Increase the access to technology through the addition of libraries and resources in communities with high poverty rates through changes in city funding. This access and educational programming can work to reduce the cycle of poverty." -Anooshka P., Virginia

Action Plan Topic: Enacting policy to support changes in power usage

"Current forms of energy negatively impact climate change, public health, and cause extreme weather conditions that destroy communities and eliminate housing options. The use of nuclear power plants could eliminate these effects and reduce its impact on worldwide poverty." -Calum K., Michigan

Action Plan Topic: Encourage cross-religious dialogue between young people to enact change

"Address real-world issues by the development of a diversity program, connecting peers with diverse religious backgrounds to encourage dialogue about social justice and collective action.." -Isabelle R., New York

Action Plan Topic: Build awareness for teen mental health services

"Young people are facing daily stress that is creating social withdrawal, fatigue, and poor performance in school. Increase the frequency of resources for stress management, tutoring, collaborative project planning, and de-stigmatize this need for resources to improve teens' social and emotional well-being." -Lucas S., Pennsylvania 

Action Plan Topic: Public transportation access to support school attendance

"Address the Chicago Public Transit System by organizing key stakeholders in the community to support better public transportation access. The issue is not just access to transportation, but the truancy and tardiness that lack of transportation caused." -Violet B., Illinois


“The action plan allowed me to make change in my community, I have always wanted to do something but had not known how to start.”  – Civic Leadership Institute Alumni

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