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Professional Learning

Reach to Achieve: Strategies to Stretch Student Thinking with Dr. Emily Mofield

August 9, 2022
9:00am - 4:00pm CDT
Evanston, IL

Join CTD for an energizing day of networking and professional learning with Dr. Emily Mofield!

Reach to Achieve: Strategies to Stretch Student Thinking

How we can we stimulate, motivate, and challenge students while uncovering their strengths and cultivating their talents? This session highlights differentiation strategies to stretch student thinking, promote deep learning, and provide layers of challenge for gifted, advanced, and high-potential students. When students have opportunities to “reach” to their next levels of learning, these experiences reveal talent.  Leave with concrete examples to support and extend student thinking across content areas and grade levels and with attention to equity and inclusion.

Emily Mofield PhotoEmily Mofield, Ed.D., is an Assistant Professor at Lipscomb University, teaching courses in the Gifted Education and Advanced Academics Program and the Ed.D. Program for Leadership and Strategic Change. With over 20 years of experience in gifted education as a teacher, district leader, and now assistant professor, Emily is passionate about developing high-quality resources to equip teachers to identify, serve, and support gifted and high-potential students. Her work focuses on curriculum, differentiation, psychosocial skills, and most recently, collaborative teaching practices for promoting access and equity in gifted education. Emily has authored or co-authored a number of books, award-winning gifted curricula (with Vanderbilt PTY), articles, and chapters in the field and has been recognized with the NAGC Hollingworth Award for Excellence in Research and Legacy Book Award for Teaching Tenacity, Resilience, and a Drive for Excellence (with Megan Parker Peters). She has recently co-authored Collaboration, Coteaching, and Coaching in Gifted Education (with Vicki Phelps, recognized as NAGC Book of the Year (2021). Her newest resources include A Teacher’s Guide to Curriculum Design for Gifted and Advanced Learners (with Tamra Stambaugh) and Vertical Differentiation for Gifted, Advanced, and High-Potential Students: 25 Strategies to Stretch Student Thinking.


Registration Details


This workshop will be held in Evanston, Illinois on Northwestern's campus. You may register for one or both workshop days.

Fees and Registration Process

1-Day Registration Fee: $225 (per registrant)
1-Day Group Registration Fee (4 or more registrants from a school/district): $180 (per registrant)

For Group Registrations or purchase order payments, email

For Individual Registrations, complete the online registration form.

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