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Small Business Owners (K-1)

Online Family Program (OFP) courses for younger students typically involve more parent participation than OFP courses for older students. Instructors provide ongoing feedback to students and parents through discussion boards to provide maximum flexibility for families’ schedules. The course does not include live, synchronous sessions. This course runs from 2/7/2024 - 3/6/2024.

Exploring Our World (PreK-K)

Online Family Program (OFP) courses for younger students typically involve more parent participation than OFP courses for older students. Instructors provide ongoing feedback to students and parents through discussion boards to provide maximum flexibility for families’ schedules. The course does not include live, synchronous sessions. This course runs from 2/7/2024 - 3/6/2024.

Comic Book Characters (2-3)

Online Family Program (OFP) courses for younger students typically involve more parent participation than OFP courses for older students. Instructors provide ongoing feedback to students and parents through discussion boards to provide maximum flexibility for families’ schedules. The course does not include live, synchronous sessions. This course runs from 2/7/2024 - 3/6/2024.

Math in Space (2-3)

Online Family Program (OFP) courses for younger students typically involve more parent participation than OFP courses for older students. Instructors provide ongoing feedback to students and parents through discussion boards to provide maximum flexibility for families’ schedules. The course does not include live, synchronous sessions. This course runs from 2/7/2024 - 3/6/2024.

Coding with Scratch Jr. and Hopscotch (K-1)

Online Family Program (OFP) courses for younger students typically involve more parent participation than OFP courses for older students. Instructors provide ongoing feedback to students and parents through discussion boards to provide maximum flexibility for families’ schedules. The course does not include live, synchronous sessions. This course runs from 2/7/2024 - 3/6/2024

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