Online Family Program (OFP) courses for younger students typically involve more parent participation than OFP courses for older students. Instructors provide ongoing feedback to students and parents through discussion boards to provide maximum flexibility for families’ schedules. The course does not include live, synchronous sessions. This course runs from 2/7/2024 - 3/6/2024
This course stimulates children's creative thinking and problem-solving skills. During this course, children engage in hands-on, playful learning experiences with a parent or caregiver. Parents participate in activities with children and post observations and questions for the class and the teacher. Teachers provide feedback and extensions to support guided, playful learning.
In this course, coders learn computer science concepts such as sequence, loop, conditions and troubleshooting as they bring to life interactive digital stories and games using ScratchJr and Hopscotch. Using coding apps as well as traditional methods like drawing, writing and dramatization, families work together to develop logical and creative thinking skills as they create and share content. Families will need access to a tablet for this course. ScratchJr and Hopscotch are available as free apps for iPads and Android tablets.