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Prepare for High School and Beyond

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Talent Development is a Life-Long Journey

Get Informed and Prepared.

Your child is doing well in school and discovering more about their interests and strengths through challenging courses and extra-curricular activities. Still, there are steps your family can take to assure your child is on the path that is best for them. The first, and most important, step is getting access to information and resources like these from the Center for Talent Development and the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.

middle school students taking a test
Identify Strengths and Interests

Above-Grade-Level Assessment

CTD Assessments help determine a student's need for enrichment, acceleration, or supplemental programming and provide valuable insights about what they are ready to learn beyond grade level content.

Have your child take the SAT or ACT in grade 7 or 8

CTD students on Northwestern campus
Take Enrichment or Accelerated, Credit-Bearing Courses

Outside-of-School Programming

Take advantage of summers, weekends, and online learning to explore an interest, develop an area of strength, and connect with peers. CTD has programs that begin when your family is ready and that meet a wide range of interests and learning needs. Find the right program for now or think ahead to plan your next steps. Financial aid is available for qualified students. 

Find a program to meet your needs

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship

Young Scholars Program

The Young Scholars Program, a selective five-year pre-college scholarship for high-performing middle school students with financial need, provides individualized academic advising, financial support, and a pathway to the foundation’s $55,000 per year College Scholarship. The application period is open from February 9, 2023 to May 11, 2023. Applicants must be in grade 7 currently. Please visit our events page for upcoming informational webinars hosted by CTD's Outreach Manager, Tammie Stewart.

Visit the Cooke Foundation’s Young Scholars page for information

How Can We Help?

To request additional information about CTD programs, assessment, or the Jack Kent Cooke Young Scholars, contact Tammie Stewart, Outreach Manager via email. We look forward to connecting with you!

Send Tammie Stewart an Email

2023 © Northwestern University Center for Talent Development