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Emerald Tier Advanced Enrichment courses give students opportunities to focus on specific areas of study within a community of like-minded peers. Students delve deep into topics and fields which are not typically a part of the core curriculum at school. Courses place greater emphasis on higher-order thinking, facilitate creativity, and provide exposure to advanced concepts in developmentally appropriate ways. 


  • 90th percentile or above on a nationally normed, standardized grade-level achievement test, or 
  • Participation in above-grade-level testing through CTD Assessment (formerly NUMATS) or similar program, or
  • Successful completion, within the past two years, of a previous CTD course at the same or higher admission tier and in the qualifying subject area, or
  • Admission portfolio (report card or transcript, teacher recommendation, and test scores, if available). Please note: Admission portfolio option is not available for all age levels in all programs.

See the Course Information above for qualifying subject areas and any prerequisites.

Course Tier ID

Critical Mathematics: From Googol to Infinity AM (Gr. 3-4)

This course runs for six consecutive Saturdays, January 20 – February 24, 2024. 

Examine the infinitely large and the incredibly small, and increase your understanding of ratios, integers, fractions, and exponents. Problem-based coursework, discourse and mathematical debate lead the learning in this course. Focusing on the Common Core Standards of Numbers and Operations and middle school goals of Ratios & Proportional Relationships and the Number System allows students to build their skills in these areas.


Advanced Grammar & Academic Writing II (6-8)

This is a 9-week, asynchronous, flexibly paced course within the Online Core Essentials Program. Students should expect 2-5 hours of course work per week. This course takes place January 17 - March 20, 2024.

This course offers a continuation of the foundation provided by Advanced Grammar & Academic Writing I, with an increased emphasis on student feedback and development of advanced writing skills.

Pre-Algebra II (6-8)

This is a flexibly paced course. Students have up to 9 weeks to complete the course. Students should expect 2-5 hours of coursework per week. This course takes place January 17 - March 20, 2024.

This course is a continuation of Pre-Algebra I. Topics include variables, expressions, and integers, solving equations and inequalities, factors, fractions, and exponents, rational numbers, ratio and proportions, and percent. Successful completion of this two-course series provides a solid foundation for Algebra I Honors.

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