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Emerald Tier Advanced Enrichment courses give students opportunities to focus on specific areas of study within a community of like-minded peers. Students delve deep into topics and fields which are not typically a part of the core curriculum at school. Courses place greater emphasis on higher-order thinking, facilitate creativity, and provide exposure to advanced concepts in developmentally appropriate ways. 


  • 90th percentile or above on a nationally normed, standardized grade-level achievement test, or 
  • Participation in above-grade-level testing through CTD Assessment (formerly NUMATS) or similar program, or
  • Successful completion, within the past two years, of a previous CTD course at the same or higher admission tier and in the qualifying subject area, or
  • Admission portfolio (report card or transcript, teacher recommendation, and test scores, if available). Please note: Admission portfolio option is not available for all age levels in all programs.

See the Course Information above for qualifying subject areas and any prerequisites.

Course Tier ID

Puzzle Masters (3-5)

This is a 6-week, asynchronous, flexibly paced course within the Online Enrichment Program. Students should expect 2-5 hours of course work per week. This course takes place January 31 - March 13, 2024.

Mind Boggling! Grapple with math stumpers, tangrams, Sudoku and riddles. Discover new ways to solve and create puzzles using math, logic and reasoning skills. Push your skills to new levels and become a Puzzle Master!

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