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Advanced Grammar & Academic Writing II (6-8)

This is a 9-week, asynchronous, flexibly paced course within the Online Core Essentials Program. Students should expect 2-5 hours of course work per week. This course takes place January 17 - March 20, 2024.

This course offers a continuation of the foundation provided by Advanced Grammar & Academic Writing I, with an increased emphasis on student feedback and development of advanced writing skills.

Comic Book Characters (2-3)

Online Family Program (OFP) courses for younger students typically involve more parent participation than OFP courses for older students. Instructors provide ongoing feedback to students and parents through discussion boards to provide maximum flexibility for families’ schedules. The course does not include live, synchronous sessions. This course runs from 2/7/2024 - 3/6/2024.

Effective Essay Writing

This is a 1 credit equivalent, flexibly paced, asynchronous Honors course within the Online Honors Program. Students can expect 6-8 hours of coursework per week and have 14-18 weeks to complete the course depending on start date. Session dates: January 24 - May 15, 2024.

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